Background History of Cocin
In 1904, the Missionaries led by: “Dr. Karl Kumm paddled” canoes down the River Ibi from Taraba State into Plateau State, where they eventually settled in the town of Wase.
That’s when Ekklisyar Kristi A Sudan (EKAS) was established; it later morphed into Ekklisyar Kristi A Nigeria (EKAN), or, in English, Church Of Christ In Nigeria (COCIN). A small sampling of the places it spread to include Kabwir, Panyam, and Foron.
In time, it became clear that a new moniker was in order. Hence, the Church of Christ in Nigeria became the Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN), implying that its mission had expanded beyond Nigeria’s borders.
The departing missionaries believed that an indigenous pastor was the best person to continue leading the Church after they left. Therefore, from the very beginning of the Church, these men have served as President and General Secretary:
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Eras Of Cocin
- 1907 – 1910
Traditional Anglicans from Cambridge University’s Mission Party (CUMP) first spread the Good News to Panyam in 1907 and Kabwir in 1910. - 1930 – 1934
From 1930 to 1934, the CUMP’s responsibilities were transferred to the SUM, British Branch, per an agreement between the two organizations. - 1948
The SUM British Branch’s ultimate goal was to create a church in Nigeria that could take care of itself financially, evangelistically, and administratively. By God’s grace, the mission was able to accomplish this goal in 1948, when it granted the Nigerian Church autonomy over its internal operations. - 1958
Founded in 1958 as Ekklesiyar Kristi a Sudan (EKAS), Plateau da Bauchi ta Yamma, the Church received legal recognition in 1968 as a nonprofit organization in accordance with Nigeria’s Land Perpetual Succession Act Cap. 98. Company No. 493 with the Lagos, Nigeria Company Registry; changed name to Ekklesiyar Kristi a Nigeria (EKAN) Plateau da Bauchi (Plateau and Bauchi Church of Christ in Nigeria). Reverend Rindap Damina Bawado, Reverend Dusu Lodam, Reverend Istifanus Deshi, and Mr. Akila Wantu Machunga were the initial four trustees of the Church to be officially recognized. The Reverend Manasseh Gyemu Toma succeeded Mr. A.W. Machunga as pastor roughly a year later… - 1977
The Church of Christ in Nigeria (COCIN) replaced the Sudan United Mission in Nigeria in 1977, while the latter’s existence in the country can be traced back to 21 June 1976, when the name change was officially recorded. The mission in Nigeria has turned over its property and administrative duties to COCIN.
- Who is the founder of the COCIN church in the world?
Starting in 1901, the Sudan Pioneer Mission sent Karl Kumm and two others to Tripoli, Libya, to learn the Hausa language.
- What is the mission and vision of the COCIN church?
To honor the Lord our God and to serve Him solely, without regard to man, idol, or currency; to share the good news of God’s complete forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ with the lost, and to edify God’s people in the knowledge and reverence for their Creator.
In his current role as president, Rev. Prof. Dachollom Datiri is assisted by Rev. Dr.
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